Gift of the Heart Commitment
2024-2025 Out-of-Area Congregant

Gift of the Heart is a simple and pragmatic annual commitment structure that entrusts congregants to sustain Congregation Or Tzion next year and for the years to come.

Your Gift of the Heart pledge includes:

  • Membership dues
  • High Holiday seats for you and your immediate family members (up to age 23)
  • Yom Kippur appeal

A security fee of $180 is recommended for each congregant household.

To sustain our facilities, programs, staff, and services in the 2024-2025 fiscal year, the synagogue budget is approximately $1.56 million – or $2,900 if divided evenly amongst each congregant household. We trust that you will commit to an annual financial contribution meaningful to you even though you may not live within proximity to Or Tzion.

To view our frequently asked questions, please click here.